How to celebrate the average

Now that the Board and Pre-University exam results are out, one often sees giant multicoloured billboards outside schools and colleges with the faces of all the students who scored above 90% in the exams. Some schools even put large one-page ads in popular newspapers to attract attention. Not only is it a significant aberration of aesthetics, but it projects a very wrong fundamental message that some educators are trying to change.

Resilience, Prudence, Humility: Learning from the ‘Greatest Gen’

Resilience, Prudence, Humility: Learning from the ‘Greatest Gen’ The Greatest Generation lived through the greatest horrors of the 20th century, we must learn from them A statute of Mahatma Gandhi. Credit: DH Photo For many, it will not be easy to put behind the trauma of 2020. They would have lost their dear ones to Covid-19. As we welcome the new year with hope and…


AS I REMEMBER TRIDIB TRIDIB ROY CHOWDHURY Anyone who knows me knows that I like to write happy stories, stories of hope, aspiration and fulfillment. But today is not a happy day. Our friend and guide Tridib Roy Chowdhury is no more. How do you convert this really devastatingly sad story into a happy one? I have known Tridib for 15 years. I was not…

On the National Education Policy

New Education Policy Ever since the draft National Education Policy, 2019, was released on May 31, we have read many comments in the media by erudite scholars. What has been discussed is the framework and the structure of the policy, but not its spirit. Educators with great experience, some of whom I know personally, have crafted this policy. It is sad that some regions have…

Gems beneath the rot

There are some days in your life that re-ignite belief in what you do. Yesterday was one such day. It will stay etched in my memory to revisit whenever I feel low. And in my kind of work such days are not rare. After 15 years of successfully running 4 schools and college for marginalized children, Parikrma began training teachers from 330 government schools. Seeing…