
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

How does one define change? What are the parameters? At Parikrma, it’s always an even scale: moral compass over better grades, kindness over over-achievement and true calling over “rate” race. We provide a platform where the poorest are provided with apparatus that creates an environment for them to make an identity for themselves and grow into socially responsible citizens.

Our alumni’s career paths are a testament to the success of our approach. From a chef at Hilton, now thriving in Dublin, to entrepreneurs running successful sports, catering, and event management businesses. From a marathoner to an MD for entertainment on an international cruise ship. From a leading Kannada actress to software engineers, dentists, Zumba professionals, web developers, graphic designers, and nonprofit professionals. The possibilities are endless, and our students are proof that with the right education and values, they can achieve anything.

Our alumni study at the National Law School, Shristi School of Art and Design, MS Ramaiah Engineering College, BMS College of Engineering, and other mainstream colleges.