
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Parikrma’s unique vision and approach have provided a distinct response to the significant and growing problem of decline in the Indian education system. We firmly believe that disseminating our approach through dialogue and training, rather than simply expanding the number of Parikrma schools, is a more effective strategy. This approach prevents the overstretching of existing resources and maintains the quality of our current schools. This is the approach we have taken with the Education Transformation Centre (ETC). 

The mission of the ETC is to disseminate Parikrma ‘s unique approach to education, a mission that is set to revolutionize the teaching and learning process. By creating and offering teacher training modules to teachers, other NGO workers, school administrators and social entrepreneurs, we are fostering excellence in education. This approach, popularly known as the `Parikrma Way’, encapsulates all those best practices that have led to the success of the Parikrma Centers for Learning.

Through the Education Transformation Centre (ETC), launched in July 2014, Parikrma creates and offers teacher training modules to teachers, other NGO workers, school administrators and social entrepreneurs, fostering excellence in teaching and learning. The ETC is committed to resurrecting pride in the teaching profession by enhancing the teacher community’s self-worth and empowering them with the right attitude and skills to become powerful catalysts for nation-building and universal change.

The ETC, inaugurated in July 2014, has achieved the following to date:

So far, ETC has trained over 560 Teachers and 70 Headmasters from 120 government schools that belong to Zone 4 of Bengaluru North District.  

Over the next 5 years, ETC is expected to reach out to 1000 government schools across Bangalore city, training thousands of teachers and 500 School Heads in the process and thus positively impacting the education of almost 100,000 students there.

 Some of the critical areas that the ETC will impact:
 ETC plans to venture into newer clusters of government schools, reach out to private schools to widen its reach, explore opportunities for collaboration, and develop student workshops as well.
Parikrma has successfully signed an MOU with the Department of State Educational Research and Training (DSERT). Over the next five years, it will reach out to at least 100 government schools across Bangalore, train more than 500 teachers in the process, and thus positively impact the education of almost 100,000 students studying in these schools.
A Project, in collaboration with the Singapore International Foundation, is being implemented. This project aims to train and create a pool of master trainers in Science and  Mathematics Curriculum Enhancement among the teachers of Government Schools and Parikrma Schools. The project not only enhances the quality of education in these schools but also fosters international partnerships and knowledge exchange.