
volunteers helping Parikrma students

” Be a mentor and motivate, inspire and help students develop critical study skills.”

Stepping into employment can be a daunting experience for some of our graduates.  Mentors help mentees prepare for their future, exploring options, asking questions and helping to work out a path to achieving students’ dreams. Mentors motivate, inspire and help students develop critical study skills.

Business ambassadors

Our students lack exposure to the vast range of options available when they leave school.  Business ambassadors provide our students with real experiences of their profession.

You might conduct skills training or activities. E.g. teamwork games, hackathons or debate exercises. This isn’t giving lectures. We want to help students think about the real situations that you experience daily. What does an engineer actually do? What really is marketing? 


Does your company encourage a sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle? Would you like to teach our children how to reuse/recycle? An interactive way to learn math or a lovely walk in the woods to understand our natural life and wildlife? Our children are waiting for you! From workshops to talks, short education trips to interactions – tell us how you can be a part of the change.

Skill sharing

A photographer? Graphic designer? Love telling stories? An artist? Volunteer your time!

contact us at [email protected] or [email protected]