
Volunteering at Parikrma

To experience urban India at the grassroots level, there is no other opportunity like volunteering with Parikrma. While full-time employees deliver the core of our work, the extent of our impact would be the same with the help of our volunteers. Most significantly, we depend on volunteers to provide exposure for Parikrma children.

Volunteer for a nonprofit: The diversity of our volunteers in terms of culture, ethnicity, age, educational background and occupation provides the children with invaluable life experiences, and through this exposure, they can truly become global citizens. Volunteers give our children positive role models, which may be needed due to their backgrounds.

If you have any questions, contact us at [email protected]

International volunteers

Since we began in May 2003, we have had hundreds of international volunteers from across the globe, including the USA, Canada, the UK, Spain, France, Netherlands, Australia, Japan, and many more.

If you are interested in volunteering, please see our international volunteer information packet and get all the information you need.  To register your interest in volunteering with us, please tell us more about yourself using this link.

National volunteers

Volunteering at Parikrma is ideal for responsible citizens who want to do something for the country’s underserved at a grassroots level. Our volunteers range from students, parents, retirees and employees (especially from the IT industry), but primarily those individuals who want to make a difference in their country. These volunteers continue to be great ambassadors for Parikrma and have gone away with entirely different ideas of their society than they originally joined us with.

If you are interested in volunteering, please see our national volunteer information packet and get all the information you need. To register your interest in volunteering with us, please tell us more about yourself using this link – you will contribute to the education department, child education, Social Service, and supporting the poor.

What will i do as a volunteer

Volunteer in our schools
You can help us deliver high-quality education. This might be working with/tutoring children who struggle in specific subjects or taking classes if you can teach. You may run theatre, art or music classes too.

Stepping into employment can be a daunting experience for some of our graduates. Mentors help mentees prepare for their future, exploring options, asking questions, and helping them work out a path to achieving their dreams. Mentors motivate, inspire and help students develop critical study skills.

Parikrma Engage

Our students need more exposure to the vast options available when they leave school. We hope volunteers can provide our students authentic experiences of their profession or areas of interest
You might conduct skills training or activities. E.x., teamwork games, hackathons or debate exercises. This isn’t giving lectures. We want to help students think about the real situations that they experience daily. What does an engineer do? What really is marketing?
You can also go out to museums, places of work, tech parks, or the great outdoors!

Help Spread the Parikrma Model

Help us to spread Parikrma stories and share the Parikrma model. Are you a photographer? A graphic designer? Do you love telling stories? An artist? Volunteer your time! A lot of work goes on behind the scenes to ensure the best for our students. Help us maintain our customer relationship management software, assist with child profiles, assist in fundraising or complete any requested tasks.
Please get in touch if you have any skills which could help more children benefit from our model. We recognise the importance of sharing our story through photos, films and other media. We welcome those who can tell these stories through whatever means.


Does your company encourage a sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle? Would you like to teach our children how to reuse/recycle? An interactive way to learn math or a lovely walk in the woods to understand our natural life and wildlife? Our children are waiting for you! From workshops to talks, short education trips to interactions – please tell us how you can be a part of the change.

Mural wall painting by volunteers from Adobe and children of Parikrma

There are so many ways that you can get involved.  The best way to find out is to ask!